The Spirit of Pine Valley

A Unique Community Living with Nature

Welcome to Pine Valley!

This is the website for Pine Valley residents, and for those who wish to learn more about our community.  Here you can find our about current issues, learn about our history, find resources about our Valley and get acquainted with us.

Latest News! PV Neighbor Reagan Word’s Sculpture Selected for Schnebly Hill Roundabout

Congratulations to PV Neighbor Reagan Word! The proposal of his sculpture “The Open Gate” was selected for the Schnebly Hill Roundabout! Read more herethe-open-gate-a-sunset-long

Become a Pine Valley Property Owner Association Member (click here)! Why?

  • Discover your friends and neighbors via the published PVPOA member list.
  • As the website grows, members can share their needs, post items for sale, advertise for services to share, barter, or link to their website.
  • We’ll have additional resource pages on gardening, hikes, arts/dance and other hobbies.
  • Also on our members section you’ll find out when and where the semi-annual dumpster will be so you can clean up your yards and dump those weeds!

Read about more advantages of being a PVPOA member here.

NextDoor Neighbor Website for PV Residents

Residents of Pine Valley may join NextDoor Pine Valley website, a local social network for day-to-day activities in Pine Valley. Contact our Webmistress if you wish to join.

Article on an Exciting Gardening Project

Gardens for Humanity, which was started by longtime Pine Valley Resident Adele Seronde in 1996, is now creating a vegetable garden for Sedona Winds. ” Gardens for Humanity and the Yavapai Food Council (two local non-profit organizations) have forged a partnership with the SedonaWinds Assisted Living Community, located at 475 Jack’s Canyon Road in the Village of Oak Creek. Together they are planning a ‘Community Garden’ that will provide fresh, organic food for residents and staff.”  Read the complete Verde News article here>.

Pine Valley Active in the Yavapai Food Neighbors Project

“Yavapai Food Council is adopting a neighbor-to-neighbor system that makes it easy and fun for people to either donate and/or collect food.

Green Bag with food in it“The model has been under development for several years in Southern Oregon, and now it has spread to over two dozen communities across the US.

“The results have been incredible. Hundreds of thousands of pounds of food are being donated, and participants are getting to know their neighbors and strengthening their communities.”

How do you get started? Click on the “Sign Up Now” button on this page and read more on the Yavapai County Food Council website. Read an article about this Project in the Red Rock News here.

The next pick-up date for Pine Valley will be December 14, 2013. Call 928-593-0755 for more info.

Water Run-off

Spring and monsoon rains! So much water  runs down and away from our property if we do not intelligently harvest this precious source of water in the desert. Before you plant your winter, spring or summer garden, watch how the water flows through your property, and take advantage of it by planting in areas that you created by damming to hold the water. Here’s an article on harvesting water and water stewardship, right on our website: Water Conservation.

Pine Valley Neighbors in the News

We are working on a page on this website that records our unique neighbors as they have appeared in newspapers throughout the years. Read about them here, and if you wish to add articles or photos, email