Yard Waste Dumpster for Pine Valley Property Owners Association Members
by Editorial Team
Please note our spring and fall dumpsters are a benefit provided to PVPOA members only – as part of your dues.
In spring and fall, dumpsters are provided to help members with brush removal so our neighborhood remains defensible from wildfires. PVPOA members will receive updates about the dates the dumpster is placedvia email.
- WHAT for tree trimmings, weeds, and other “organic” matter.
- WHY a benefit provided to PVPOA members as part of your dues.
General Rules:
- Please only place green waste in the dumpster (no plastic bags or other inorganic material).
- Please be neat to keep the area clean for our neighbors who live in the area of the dumpster.
- Please compress the material you place in the dumpster to best utilize the space.
- If you bring firewood to the dumpster, please stack it neatly beside the dumpster for others to take.
- Keep in mind these dumpsters are provided to help members with brush removal so our neighborhood remains defensible from wildfires.
If you have any questions/comments/concerns regarding the dumpster, please email Danny Kim, the PVPOA President, at dannykim@icloud.com.
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