About Our Membership
We have a members-only (password protected) section on our website, wherein PVPOA members can meet each other.
- Discover your friends and neighbors via the published PVPOA member list.
- We’ll have additional resource pages on gardening, hikes, arts/dance and other hobbies.
- Also on our members section you’ll find out when and where the semi-annual dumpster will be so you can clean up your yards and dump those weeds!
- And how about our activity page – where we’d put in our annual Pine Valley Arts, Crafts and Sundries sale and festival, perhaps incorporating the annual garage sale – something that many of us would love to see happening every year.
- Find out who your Board Members are.
- Get an invitation to NextDoor, a social networking website for just Pine Valley neighbors. On this site your can introduce yourself, share your needs, post items for sale, advertise for services to share, barter, or have a link to your website.
There’s a lot for you to share and make this website your own.
Again, if you’d like to share photos, or ideas to help us improve the website, please send us your ideas. We’d LOVE to hear from you!
If you’re not a member of the Pine Valley Property Owner’s Association (PVPOA), it’s a mere $35.00 per year and the proceeds ALL go back to you, whether it’s funding this website, the newsletter, the dumpsters, the spring and fall parties.
We’re always looking for volunteers to assist, whether it’s a committee to launch the annual arts/crafts festival, or meeting new neighbors, or a person who’d like to be our new editor of the Pine Valley newsletter, or someone who could head up and be the “go to” person or persons for this website, we’d certainly welcome any and all help!
If you like what your are seeing and would like to become a member of the PVPOA, please send your $35.00 check payable to PVPOA and mail to: PO Box 20194, Sedona, AZ 86341. You may download the application and include it with your check: Membership Application
After we receive your annual membership payment, you will get your membership password emailed to you, so that you can access the pages that are for FOR MEMBERS ONLY.
If you already are a member and need your password, send us an email.
We hope you love this website and embrace it and make it your own. Enjoy it and let us know what you think. Happy days to you all, in beautiful serene Pine Valley!