The Spirit of Pine Valley

A Unique Community Living with Nature

No Detectable Levels of Arsenic in Pine Valley Water!

If you look at the lab tests (attached below), you’ll see that our  arsenic levels at the wellhead on 4/15/2014 was 0.0268/ppm (or 26.8 ppb).  This is the level of arsenic as the water is coming out of the ground.  AFTER the arsenic filter (See highlighted area), on the same day, the levels are <.001 ppm or < 1 ppb, and that is because the instruments used cannot test for less than .001 ppm.

There was a second test run on 4/17/2014.  It was  .0265/ppm (26.5ppb) coming out of the ground, and again <.001 (1ppb) after the treatment of the water thru the arsenic filtration plant.

The conclusion is that the arsenic in our water after the filter, is NOW virtually undetectable! 
Thanks to Lance Wischmeier and Pine Valley Water for all their hard work and to ALL the local PV residents who made it all possible with their financial backing! 
A special thanks goes out to Terry Laby who routinely made the time to go over and photograph progress and provide updates as this project went along.  Another big thanks to Maria Hunt who with Cheryl Harter, set up the nonprofit organization and opened up the bank account and handled the funding to ensure the project was fully funded and were so diligent about the careful release of funds for this project only.  A BIG wonderful THANKS to Carl Hunt for his periodic updates and for all the hard work that he did literally rolling up his sleeves to lend a hand at PV Water, in some of the final phases of construction on this job.  We are NOW officially done with this project, the interim bank account is now closed and any remaining funds have been turned over to PVWC.
We are so lucky to have such wonderful caring neighbors that live RIGHT HERE in Pine Valley!  
Thank you all!
Diana Judson

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