To All Our Beautiful Pine Valley POA Members!
We had a wonderful Spring Barbeque and Party thanks to all of our culinary cooking attendees and especially to those who made it all happen! In addition to our traditional BBQ fare, we had freshly made baked beans and that FABULOUS smoked salmon direct from ALASKA, deviled eggs, salads and fresh fruits… just to name a few things! It was just great to visit and see people and meet new neighbors. We have a few new people in the burg!
A SUPER DUPER BIG Thanks goes to Linda and Richard Patterson for being our wonderful hosts and cooks! What a great location… down and OUT of most of the wind! Thank you for being so supportive of this Spring BBQ!
Another HUGE Thanks goes to Judy and Mike Kizzier for all their hard work, getting all the food and coordinating the setup of everything to make this such a success!
A BIG Thanks our loaner folks: Bob and Anni Herring, Gary and Pat Lamb, Terry Laby and Joel Davis, Rosemarie Licher for the loan of tables, chairs and/or pop up tents.
If I forgot to thank anyone here… it is due to my ignorance, not intent!
And a warm thanks to all of you who showed up to help set up the party in advance, and help break down afterwards! You were all so wonderful.
Ya’All have a great Memorial Day and summer… see you at the Christmas Party!
Diana Judson/VP PVPOA